Digital Museum of Varietas et Resciscendi

A project to help parents and educators by providing an easy to use Museum Simulation.

Inspired by a little too much animal crossing, and wanting to help parents & educators in some way, the Digital Museum of Varietas et Resciscendi was born. Through CC0 images and assets from the National Gallery of Art and The Smithsonian, I’ve been able to put together an ‘In Construction’ Museum

Like many real world museums, there’s still more to see! Just needs to be built, and rearranged!

Unlike many real life museums, the images in the Digital Museum of Varietas et Resciscendi are especially curated to offer a more diverse viewing experience. More women, people of color, and other cultures!

The Digital Museum of Varietas et Resciscendi is “pay what you want” with a minimum of zero. This is a project that I want available to everyone regardless of income.


Funding for this project comes from those who pay more than zero, ko-fi donations, and potential funding from other groups.

I have some grand plans afterall for this little museum, and I’ll need the help of folks like you to keep it going! However. I reiterate that downloading the Digital Museum of Varietas et Resciscendi will remain as free forever.